DAESSY Folding Mount - DFM2
The standard FOLDING MOUNT is a right angle tube assembly made from a Vertical Tube, which may have an S-bend, and a Horizontal Tube joined by a Folding Mechanism. The Vertical Tube is held by a Frame Clamp Assembly on the wheelchair.
When folding the mount the Horizontal Tube is first lifted up to the side through 90º until it is straight up from the Vertical Tube then rotated down through 180º to a position beside the vertical tube. The pictures show this with the device removed. The device may be left on the mount for folding but it must be supported through the complete sequence. Rarely does the user of the wheelchair have the ability to fold the mount and then return it to the 'in-use' position.
When the device remains on a folded mount it sticks out from the side of the wheelchair and may bump into walls and doorways if the wheelchair is driven with it in this position.
A device mounted at an angle will stick out a considerable amount when folded.
Folded with the device still attached and removed from the wheelchair the Folding Mount forms a compact assembly.