The DAESSY Rear Folding Mount - DRFM6
The DAESSY Rear Folding Mount – DRFM6 allows a mounted device to be folded away and stored behind the backrest of the wheelchair. Storage in this location does not increase the footprint of the wheelchair, and reduces the chance that the mounted device will be bumped into walls and doors.
This mount consists of two stainless steel tubes, a Side Tube and a Horizontal Tube, connected by an Elbow Rotate Head with Rotate Head Tube Mount which allows the Horizontal Tube to form a right angle with the Side Tube or rotate to a extended straight out position. A Frame Clamp Assembly consisting of a Frame Clamp Inner Piece, optional Offset Links and a Rear Folding Adapter and Rotate Head Tube Mount (RFA+RTHTM) permanently attaches the tube structure to the side of the wheelchair. The lower end of the Side Tube is clamped into the RFA+RTHTM and rises at an angle of about 45º forward with the Horizontal Tube passing across in front of the user. The Offset Links allow the Rear Folding Adapter to be positioned approximately halfway down the side of the wheelchair and a few inches below the seat level regardless of the location of attachment of the Frame Clamp Inner Piece on the frame of the wheelchair. The mounted device is held in an adapter or bolted to a plate that allows the device to be quickly attached or detached from a Quick Release Base.
There are three steps to the rear folding motion. In the first movement the Horizontal Tube is rotated through 90º at the Elbow Rotate Head to an extended position in line with the Side Tube. Next, the complete tube structure is rotated at the Rear Folding Adapter back through a 90º angle. Finally, the Horizontal Tube is folded in behind the wheelchair in a motion that reverses the first rotation at the Elbow Rotate Head. Reversing the order of these steps returns the device to its In-use position.
The screen of a laptop computer or similar device should be closed before folding the DRFM6 behind the wheelchair backrest.
The DAESSY Rear Folding Mount is most suitable for power wheelchairs.
The Rear Folding Adapter must be mounted in a central location along the side of the wheelchair. This makes the DRFM6 unsuitable for self-propelled manual wheelchairs with large wheels.
The Device and Side Tube must be held and guided through all the steps of the folding motion. The Side Tube must not be allowed to drop suddenly onto the forward or rearward stops. As the Side Tube passes down the side of the wheelchair during the folding action the user must keep their arm and hand clear.
The DAESSY Rear Folding Mount – DRFM6 is not appropriate for mounting on a tilting seat system. The DAESSY Lockable Rear Folding Mount – DLRFM8 is a similar mount that can be used in a tilting application.
The DAESSY Rear Folding Mount – DRFM6 can be adapted to be easily removable from the wheelchair with an additionally purchased Removable Frame Clamp Assembly (RFCI+RFCR). Adding these components to the DRFM6 will increase distance between the Rear Folding Adapter and the wheelchair by about 1 3/4". The standard DRFM6 supplied without the Removable Frame Clamp Assembly is permanently attached to the wheelchair and cannot be removed except by uninstalling the mount.
Rear Folding Mount